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The Economic Cinderella Story of 2017 May 9, 2017 Global Economy Europe might seem like a poor place to invest. However, Europe’s economy is speeding up. Certainly, European stocks are already reflecting that reality...
Economic Data Confirms the Bull Market in Stocks May 9, 2017 U.S. Economy Few economic indicators look ahead, but one that does is the ISM Report on Business. This makes the ISM survey a must-read for serious investors.
Facebook Isn’t Cool Anymore May 9, 2017 Investment Opportunities Facebook is so dominant that the company essentially is social media. However, Facebook has fallen far behind in the “coolness” curve with teens.
Prepare for the Real Costs of Long-Term Health Care May 8, 2017 Retirement Long-term-care insurance premiums have skyrocketed in recent years. Fortunately, there are strategies you can adopt to cope with rising insurance costs.
Place Your Bets on This Casino Stock May 8, 2017 Investment Opportunities Since the major casino stocks bottomed in 2009, only one isn’t up more than 1,000% … but it could soon hit that mark, and it’s a rally you don’t want to miss.