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Star Trek meme Pot Stocks Are High, Jobs Are High, Trump Tweets … Not So Much
by Joseph Hargett August 2, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: Pot, Pins, Jobs and Tariffs There are two words that can put the fear of God in any investor these days. Just two simple words: “Trump tweeted.” Those two words turned yesterday’s Fed recovery rally into a panic-stricken retreat. I’m not exaggerating here, either. Remember way back on Monday when the Great […]
These assets have returned double or triple the return of the S&P 500 since we acquired them in my Bauman Letter portfolio. And they deliver excellent annual yields. Tripling the S&P 500 Has Never Been Easier These assets have returned double or triple the return of the S&P 500, and they deliver excellent annual yields.
The Fabulous Mr. Fed
by Joseph Hargett June 19, 2019 Great Stuff
Welcome to Fed Day! Are you on pins and needles yet? Today is the day that the U.S. Federal Reserve concludes its two-day policy meeting and gives its outlook on interest rates. You, my dear reader in the future, may already know how this all played out. If so, don’t tell me yet … I […]
GE is the current poster child for “most hated stock on Wall Street.” And it proves, once again, why it pays big time to monitor share purchases by corporate insiders. GE’s 40% Surge Is Only the Beginning GE is the current poster child for “most hated stock on Wall Street.” And it proves, once again, why it pays big time to monitor share purchases by corporate insiders.
There’s one key number that you’re using to calculate your retirement and there’s a good chance that it’s wrong. Don’t mistake price for value. Here's why. Don’t Make This Retirement Mistake There’s one key number that you’re using to calculate your retirement and there’s a good chance that it’s wrong. Don’t mistake price for value. Here's why.

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