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Great Stuff 8-21-2019 Tesla Sets Walmart on Fire … Literally
by Joseph Hargett August 21, 2019 Great Stuff
Mr. Powell’s Wild Ride I’m exhausted. Are you exhausted? August has already seen the S&P 500 Index make eight moves of 1% or more. Eight! And the day’s not even over yet, let alone the month. Today, the Federal Reserve will release the minutes from its July 30–31 policy meeting. Wall Street will be scouring […]
Great Stuff 8-14-2019 Averting the Trade War on Christmas
by Joseph Hargett August 14, 2019 Great Stuff
Averting the Trade War on Christmas I knew there was another reason for the delayed tariffs that I overlooked. The real reason. Yesterday, I riffed on the “Pavlov’s dogs” motif when talking about the market’s reaction to the tariff news. You know, the news that the 10% tariffs on Chinese imports would be delayed until […]
Great Stuff 8-09-2019 Mattel’s Mysterious Whistleblower & Uber’s Über Loss
by Joseph Hargett August 9, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: Core Prices, Chips and Uber Hit the Skids Remember when Fridays were fun? You’d go out with coworkers or friends after work to relax and forget about the week. Lately, it seems that we’re going out just to maintain our sanity after all our hard investing work gets dashed to pieces by […]
Great Stuff 8-08-2019 Roku Stock Up 31% – Great Stuff Rocks Two Wins In One Week!
by Joseph Hargett August 8, 2019 Great Stuff
AMD Epyc Part 2: Electric Boogaloo Rome wasn’t built in a day … I bet you’re tired of hearing that one. Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (Nasdaq: AMD) just dealt another blow to Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC), and investors are Caesaring the day. (You can pay me back for that bad pun at the Total Wealth […]
U.S.-China Trade War Beat Trade War Meltdowns With This Defensive Asset No matter how worthy the goal, Trump’s “Tariff Man” approach to negotiating with China is going to cause a lot of pain before we see any gain. That puts a premium on defensive positioning right now.

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