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Why you shouldn't invest in annuities. 3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Invest in Annuities February 15, 2023 by Charles Mizrahi Banyan Edge, Stocks, Trading Strategies Especially in a market like this, there are three major reasons you shouldn't invest in annuities. Here's why.
Online banking where do I put my money in meme SoFi, So Far, So Fine; Tesla’s Twitter Delirium & Goodyear’s Bad Times November 1, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Why Is SoFi So Fine? Great Ones, why is SoFi Technologies (Nasdaq: ) so fine? Y’all know I’m not a big fan of talking about banking stocks. Don’t get me wrong, they’re often really good investment opportunities. But they’re just not that exciting at all. I mean, they handle money, checking accounts, savings accounts, loans […]
not easy being green hydrogen power Shell meme Hydrogen’s Shell Game, Toyota’s Wheely Screwed & Boeing’s Mother Ship July 7, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Shell Be Comin’ ‘Round The Mountain… Great Ones, my best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who saw that Shell PLC (NYSE: ) is building the “largest” green hydrogen plant in the world. I guess it’s pretty serious? You’re darn right it is! […]
Trade crypto without charting service pirates meme Charting Your Crypto Future & Trading Gold For Amazon? April 29, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Friday Feedback: The “Chart Your Crypto Course!” Edition Great Ones, today we’re sailing away. Charting an open course on the crypto sea! ‘Cause you’ve got to be free. Free to face investments that are ahead of thee. Welcome to Great Stuff’s Friday Feedback! On board, I’m the captain. So climb aboard. We’ll search for market-beating […]
Walmart "Holy Grail" Hydrogen Monty Python Meme Plug Powered Wally World, JNJ’s Unusual Guidance, Your Chips Needham April 19, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Shop Smart! Shop H-Mart! Great Ones, today we’re going to talk about Walmart (NYSE: ), Plug Power (Nasdaq: ) and lift trucks … 9,500 of them to be exact. That’s … oddly specific. Go on. Now, these lift trucks aren’t your grandfather’s lift trucks. They don’t run on smelly natural gas. Anyone who’s ever worked […]

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