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Brexit Spells Ruin of EU, Strife for U.S. Brexit Spells Ruin of EU, Strife for U.S. If Brits vote to leave the EU, the repercussions will leave behind damage and destruction … particularly in America, where the Brexit vote will plague the U.S. economy by way of the dollar.
Even the Fed Can’t Keep Gold Down
by Jeff Yastine May 24, 2016 Gold
We are only five months into 2016, and sales of gold coins at the U.S. Mint have nearly doubled. Demand for physical gold is soaring, and even the Fed will have trouble slowing its ascent.
Fear the U.S. Dollar Kill Switch The Paradox of Cash: It’s Always the Government’s Money
by Ted Bauman May 23, 2016 Currency
For most of human history, we’ve lived in largely cashless societies. It’s nothing new. But there are concerns about a modern cashless society, and the real threat should terrify you.
Ride Oil’s Comeback
by Jeff Opdyke May 18, 2016 Oil
Don’t believe the media, oil consumption is not declining — it’s rising. But oil exploration budgets have been cut, and a supply shortfall is looming on the horizon.
Is the Gold Rally Doomed? What’s Next for The Price of Gold: Will This Rally End?
by Jeff Yastine May 17, 2016 Gold
Wall Street is finally jumping on board the gold bull train. But this broad acceptance could mean that the biggest gold rally in 25 years is due for a well-deserved rest.

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