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rally Don't Bet on This Stock Market Rally December 9, 2016 by Chad Shoop Investment Opportunities Stocks have enjoyed a nice rally to record highs over the past month, leaving traders worried they have missed out. But is it wise to jump on this rally?
European Union The EU Meltdown December 7, 2016 by Jeff Opdyke Gold The European Union is headed for meltdown with the failure of the Italian referendum vote. Many votes are still ahead and this spells trouble for U.S.
Inflation Blowing Up the Dollar Inflation: Blowing Up the Dollar December 6, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities No one talks much about inflation anymore. But if you’re completely in cash, you’ll lose it bit by bit, a little one year, a lot in others. And it’s all because of inflation.
The Brexit Lesson Diversify or Face Dire Consequences The Brexit Lesson: Diversify or Face Dire Consequences December 5, 2016 by Ted Bauman Investment Opportunities Ted Bauman visited London this weekend, and, over pints of dodgy English ale, he uncovered answers to a key post-Brexit investing strategy.
Is This Bull Market a Sucker’s Rally? December 2, 2016 by Chad Shoop U.S. Economy Right now, the market is roaring higher. This could easily turn into the next big market rally … or it could end up as a sucker's rally right before a market collapse. So which is it?

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