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Latest Insights on NEM

Analysts Are WRONG About 2023 Earnings Let me be perfectly clear: This bear is NOT over. The bottom is NOT in. And Wall Street analysts are painting a dangerous picture for any investor naïve enough to listen to them...
Jerome Powell's Thriller Fed rate hike meme The Fed’s Thrilling Pivot, Foxconned & Disney’s Shanghais & Lows
by Joseph Hargett October 31, 2022 Great Stuff
The Fed’s Pivot Party Thriller Great Ones, it’s close to Fed Day … and something evil’s lurking in the dark. Under Jerome Powell, the interest rates have almost stopped your heart. You try to scream, but inflation takes the cash before you make it. You start to freeze … a market crash looks you right […]
Why I’m Watching the Dollar Today, I cover all the major signs that make it feel like the recession has begun... and the one anomaly in the economy that confirms we’re not there yet...
Google love smell burning ad revenue meme Google’s Ad Armageddon, Mobileye’s Eye-PO, Boeing Plays Defense
by Joseph Hargett October 26, 2022 Great Stuff
Google Some Shelter Great Ones, a storm is threatening … Alphabet’s (Nasdaq: ) very life today. If they don’t get some shelter. Yeah, they’re gonna fade away. War, children? Are we really just a shot away? When it comes to the online ad business? Yeah, I think so. But don’t take my word for it. […]
We Need a Crash On Thursday, the S&P 500 saw its fifth biggest one-day reversal in history. The market opened almost 4% lower, then soared 5%, ending the day way up. This hasn’t happened in over a decade, and speaks to the unique (and frankly terrifying) environment we’re in...

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