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The Market Tested Me, and I Passed September 29, 2022 by Michael Carr Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters It was February 1, 2005. My first day as an Air Force retiree. My plan was to trade for a living. I succeeded… but not right away...
The Secret to Surviving Volatility September 2, 2022 by Andrew Keene Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies, Unusual Options Activity This week was brutal. At the lowest point yesterday, the S&P 500 had dropped 3.7% since the start of the week… And the NASDAQ had dropped 4.4%. That was after the Fed took stocks to the cleaners on Friday. So, the question for us traders is: How can we stay afloat in this volatility? The answer is timing. Knowing when to act, and when not to, is a real skill.
Fluffy puppy index flashing red Chewy earnings meme Earnings Too Chewy, ChargePoint On Point & Netflix Raids Snap August 31, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Ain’t No Fluffy When He’s Gone… Great Ones, I hate to tell you this … but the U.S. economy has gone to the dogs. No, scratch that. It’s gone beyond the dogs, if Chewy’s (NYSE: ) trip to the earnings confessional means anything. Beyond the dogs? You’re talking nonsense. What does that even mean? I’ll […]
Adam Neumann not a crook WeWork meme WeWork’s Adam Neumann is Moving Into Real Estate With Flow Startup August 16, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff House Of The Setting Sun There is a house in the U.S.A. they call the “Setting Sun.” And it’s been the ruin of many a poor investor, but not you, my Great Ones. At least not if y’all’ve been reading your Great Stuff, that is… Yes, we’ve seen all your housing memes … and now […]
crypto going up Why You Should’ve Invested $1 in Crypto in 2013 August 10, 2022 by Ian King Cryptocurrency, Winning Investor Daily If you invested $1 in bitcoin in 2013, you’d be sitting on an open gain of 20,398%. Luckily, you haven’t missed the crypto wave entirely…

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