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The experts at the symposium proved that becoming a multimillionaire isn’t a pipe dream. You just need a little bit of help from the right people. Become a Multimillionaire with 1 Life-Changing Event The experts at the symposium proved that making millions of dollars isn’t a pipe dream. You just need a little bit of help from the right people.
It will be like the Roaring ’20s have arrived again — a decade of increased productivity and prosperity. Why the Next Decade Will Be the Greatest in Human History It will be like the Roaring ’20s have arrived again — a decade of increased productivity and prosperity.
Robots are “working” in dozens of industries: everything from automotive to health care to fast-food restaurants. However, the job market is arguably the best it’s ever been. Robots Are Helping Jobs, Not Replacing Them Robots are “working” in dozens of industries: everything from automotive to health care to fast-food restaurants. However, the job market is arguably the best it’s ever been.
Big Opportunities in Hemp — a $1.65 Billion Industry In December, Washington, D.C., passed the 2018 Farm Bill. Anthony Planas talks about the implications this bill will have for the future of the hemp industry. It will become a $1.65 billion industry in the next two years. (3-minute read)
Since the S&P 500 bottomed at 676 and change on March 9, 2009, it is up more than 400% with dividends. That means it has risen 18% per year, on average, in the decade since then. My Thoughts on Whether the Stock Market Has Topped Since the S&P 500 bottomed at 676 and change on March 9, 2009, it is up more than 400% with dividends. That means it has risen 18% per year, on average, in the decade since then.

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