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The Chinese Real Estate Chill The Chinese Real Estate Chill
by Jeff Yastine March 8, 2016 Real Estate
Misguided federal policy has cast a chill over the U.S. economy, leaving the luxury real estate markets in New York and Miami in the lurch. But the impact could soon spread to other major markets, as Chinese buyers go silent.
P2P Lending: The Seeds of Destruction P2P Lending: The Seed That May Destroy “Too Big to Fail”
by Ted Bauman March 7, 2016 U.S. Economy
With the political clout to write its own rules, Wall Street is doing what it has always done … with expected results. But P2P lending is sowing the seeds that could bring it all tumbling down.
Turning Paper Into Gold Switching Paper Currency Into Gold Stocks – Commodity Speculation
by Jeff Opdyke March 2, 2016 Gold
Irresponsible Fed monetary policy has placed us in a world never before seen. A dark world. Here, there be monsters. To combat these monsters, you need to practice a bit of modern-day alchemy by turning anything you can find into gold.
Make Wall Street Your Personal ATM with put options Selling Put Options Is Complex But Lucrative
by Chad Shoop February 26, 2016 Income
In today's market, everyone is looking for portfolio protection. There is a trading strategy built for just such a situation, one that turns Wall Street into your personal ATM. That strategy: selling put options.
Peak Oil Get Ready for What Comes Next Peak Oil: Get Ready for What Comes Next
by Jeff Yastine February 23, 2016 Oil
Oil prices are low for now, but demand is rising in China, India and the U.S., and refiners are already in “max gasoline mode.” One thing’s certain, out of sync oil means profit … if you’re prepared.

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