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I gotta focus shifting into reader feedback meme small - amd options Even More AMD Options: 1 “Secret Sauce” Strategy You Need
by Joseph Hargett July 15, 2021 Great Stuff
Breakin’ Options Part 2: The Debit Spread Boogaloo Welcome to Reader Feedback day, Great Ones! What, just because a certain Mr. Joe Hargett decided to take a vacay, y’all thought we’d miss out on the chance to catch up? Oh, nay nay! We’re not missing another chance to talk (read: rant) your ear off. Today’s […]
Bitcoin hodlers be like meme small Bitcoin Blows Bubbles, Lowe’s Lull Looms & Target’s On Target
by Joseph Hargett May 19, 2021 Great Stuff
I Blame Elon Musk Great Ones, let’s talk about Bitcoin (BTC) … again. Don’t get me wrong: I like Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. But it seems like that’s all I’m talking about lately. In hindsight, I guess that should’ve been a hint… Man, I hate to think I’m losing my contrarian chops here. In the past […]
Great Stuff watching hedge funds freak out meme small Boeing’s Bounce Back; Monday Morning Margin Calls
by Joseph Hargett March 29, 2021 Great Stuff
Pen Pal Pitter-Patter Howdy all ye Great Ones! How’s your week going? It … just started? Usually, I don’t “wake up” wake up until Wednesday. And hey, where’s the pitter-patter and meme-filled market matters? I’m not your pen pal, OK then, hint taken. I won’t bore you with the deets — honestly, I’m not what […]
3D printing on fire oversimplification, but yes meme small 3D Printers Go Brrr, Quantum Dream Scape and EV Jet Ski Spree
by Joseph Hargett February 17, 2021 Great Stuff
Meet Your 3D Maker Great Ones, I pride myself on staying on top of the latest tech investing trends. In Great Stuff, I’ve covered everything from electric vehicles (EVs) to hydrogen power to semiconductors to 5G and streaming. There is one trend, however, that I’ve shied away from … until now: 3D printing. Let’s step […]
EV companies are popping up like weeds, and you don’t have to be Nute Gunray to know that this is getting out of hand. Crazy EV Train; High on Hydrogen; Intel’s Swan Song
by Joseph Hargett January 13, 2021 Great Stuff
Attack of the EV Clones I’ve come to a conclusion, Great Ones. I initially sat down to tell you about the latest in Apple’s (Nasdaq: ) electric vehicle (EV) saga. It seems that — according to the always reliable “people familiar with the matter” — the iCompany talked with Canoo (Nasdaq: ) about producing an […]

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