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Weeping Zillow, Pfizer Gets Pfreaky, Tesla Hertz & A Chegg-Stand November 2, 2021 Great Stuff The Wind In The Zillows If it keeps on raining, Zillow’s going to break. If it keeps on raining, Zillow’s going to break. If Zillow breaks, we’ll have no place to stay… Oh well… Great Ones, have you ever tried flipping houses before? Sure, some of you probably tried your hand at one or two […]
Nio’s New Production Disruption; Popcorn, Hogs & Coke’s BodyArmor November 1, 2021 Great Stuff Nio’s Red Pill Barchetta My uncle has a charging place no one knows about. He says it used to be a farm before the EV boom. Now, on Sundays, I elude the eyes and hop the bullet train … to far outside the city where my Nio ES6 waits. I know, Great Ones … Nio […]
Facebook’s Metaverse News Launched These Cryptos Higher November 1, 2021 Cryptocurrency, Technology, Winning Investor Daily I expect Facebook to spend over $100 billion in the next decade building virtual worlds.
Apple & Amazon Ablaze, Facebook’s Meta-life Crisis & Trolling The Trolls October 29, 2021 Great Stuff Friday Feedback: The “FAANGs For The Memories” Edition Welcome to Friday Feedback, Great Ones! We’ll get to our usual Reader Feedback insanity in a minute. But first… We need to dive into the literal deluge of data that hit Wall Street in the past 12 hours. I mean, half the FAANG group either reported earnings […]
A Special Chat With Adam O’Dell October 29, 2021 Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily Adam O'Dell has been trading the markets for over 15 years now. He used to run a hedge fund, but now he helps regular investors catch up on retirement.