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Fake Jobs Plague the U.S. Economy June 18, 2016 U.S. Economy Were you convinced by the unemployment rate drop to 4.7% in May? That is what the government reported. But a closer look at the data reveals something else.
The Great Banking Lie May 30, 2016 Government & Politics The financial sector wasn’t always looking for its next revenue fix. Savings and loan was the name of the game during the Industrial Revolution ... back before banks became economic parasites.
What’s Next for The Price of Gold: Will This Rally End? May 17, 2016 Gold Wall Street is finally jumping on board the gold bull train. But this broad acceptance could mean that the biggest gold rally in 25 years is due for a well-deserved rest.
U.S. Trouble With American Dividends May 6, 2016 Stocks Rates are headed higher and earnings are headed lower stateside. And yet, dividends are not only unfazed, but recommended on Wall Street. Something's rotten, and it’s time for investors to look abroad for better yield opportunities.
The Market’s Mirage of Higher Wages April 26, 2016 U.S. Economy Profits have been falling for some time, and yet wages are rising across the U.S. The situation is untenable, and Wall Street is eventually going to see through this mirage.