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How did this happen, especially after the bank locked her accounts? The answer is surprisingly simple. It lies with social media firm Facebook. October’s Facebook Hack Destroyed Her Life Savings — Here’s How
by Joseph Hargett October 26, 2018 Privacy Invasion
How did this happen, especially after the bank locked her accounts? The answer is surprisingly simple. It lies with social media firm Facebook.
In today’s connected world, where we can turn on our porch lights from the grocery store, are we unknowingly opening ourselves up to dangerous cyberattacks? Home Infiltrated Cyber-attacks – How Your Home Security May Cause Harm
by Ian King September 13, 2018 Privacy Invasion
In today’s connected world, where we can turn on our porch lights from the grocery store, are we unknowingly opening ourselves up to dangerous cyberattacks?
Research Shows This Income Level Equals Happiness
by Jessica Cohn September 1, 2018 Investing, Social
What truly makes someone happy? The concept always seemed so elusive. That is, until I read that money can, in fact, buy happiness.
Own a Business? The New Tax Law Could Bankrupt You If you’re a U.S. taxpayer exercising your right to run a business abroad, the new tax law means you’re in for a world of hurt.
Why Buffett, Dalio Et Al Are Holding Cash and Other Safe Havens
by Ted Bauman July 30, 2018 Investing
What are the best investors doing right now … the smartest of smart money? The answer will shock you … and chances are, it’s not what you’re doing.

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