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Gold has surprisingly outperformed the broad market over the past month, and it’s likely to maintain that uptrend through a potential pullback in stocks. It’s a Great Time to Add Gold to Your Portfolio
by Jocelynn Smith January 19, 2018 Gold
There is one standout this year that could easily weather a government shutdown and a stock market sell-off, and that's gold.
President Donald Trump may not realize it, but he may be afflicted with an inherent belief in “othering," a sort of logic that dehumanizes or devalues opposed people. With Immigration, Compassion Must Prevail
by Bob Bauman January 16, 2018 Government & Politics
President Donald Trump may not realize it, but he may be afflicted with an inherent belief in “othering," a sort of logic that dehumanizes or devalues opposed people.
A major theme I expect to emerge this year is Amazon competitors pairing off with the goal of competing better against 3 Threats to Amazon You Must Own Today A major theme I expect to emerge this year is companies pairing off with the goal of better competing against Amazon.
The price of gold is about economic conditions around the world. To understand the price of gold, we have to understand money. Why Gold is the Superman of Elements & You Should Invest Now
by Matt Badiali December 29, 2017 Gold
The price of gold is about economic conditions around the world. To understand the price of gold, we have to understand money.
Sell Five Positions to Prepare for the New Year
by Optin December 13, 2017 Pivotal Point Trader
Like many retailers, Michael Kors Holdings (KORS) is closing stores. Unlike most, the stock is surging. There is good reason. The British company is finally getting back to its roots. After several years trying to appeal to the mass market, it is returning to the fat margin world of upscale brands. I added the stock to the […]

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