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Market Meltdown: Gold Is Your Safe Haven Right Now The markets are falling on trade war tensions and the Federal Reserve’s rate cut. Our experts recommend one safe-haven buy for volatile times — as well as exposure to avoid. (4-minute read)
Great Stuff 8-09-2019 Mattel’s Mysterious Whistleblower & Uber’s Über Loss
by Joseph Hargett August 9, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: Core Prices, Chips and Uber Hit the Skids Remember when Fridays were fun? You’d go out with coworkers or friends after work to relax and forget about the week. Lately, it seems that we’re going out just to maintain our sanity after all our hard investing work gets dashed to pieces by […]
U.S.-China Trade War Beat Trade War Meltdowns With This Defensive Asset No matter how worthy the goal, Trump’s “Tariff Man” approach to negotiating with China is going to cause a lot of pain before we see any gain. That puts a premium on defensive positioning right now.
Great Stuff 8-07-2019 Dark Phoenix Torches Disney’s Earnings, But Investors Can’t See the Endgame
by Joseph Hargett August 7, 2019 Great Stuff
Dark Phoenix Torches Walt Disney The Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) is known for gobbling up franchises. When Disney consumed both Marvel and Star Wars, there was much gnashing of teeth from both respective fanbases. But the results have been stellar … if you ignore Solo: A Star Wars Story. (Seriously, you had plenty of […]
Great Stuff 8-06-2019 Aurora Cannabis Is Smokin’ — and So Is Your Great Stuff Portfolio
by Joseph Hargett August 6, 2019 Great Stuff
It’s Time to Buy the Dip Did you panic yesterday? I hope you didn’t panic. You’ll miss out on the rebound if you did. What rebound? Can’t you see all the green in the market today? Let’s look at some numbers, shall we? (Why are there so many questions today? Are we being tested?) Yesterday, […]

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