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This country's cost structure, openness to foreigners, and high level of infrastructure and development make it the perfect place to invest offshore. Join Me at the Perfect Place to Invest Offshore
by Ted Bauman September 17, 2018 Offshore Living
There’s a lot more to this country than just land and real estate. It’s one of the world’s little-known treasures. Here’s why.
In today’s connected world, where we can turn on our porch lights from the grocery store, are we unknowingly opening ourselves up to dangerous cyberattacks? Home Infiltrated Cyber-attacks – How Your Home Security May Cause Harm
by Ian King September 13, 2018 Privacy Invasion
In today’s connected world, where we can turn on our porch lights from the grocery store, are we unknowingly opening ourselves up to dangerous cyberattacks?
Investors looking for dividend income and lower risk often turn to the housing market as an alternative to stock and bond investments. The New Housing Boom Creates Hot Investments Investors looking for dividend income and lower risk often turn to the housing market as an alternative to stock and bond investments.
In the glut of immigration news and controversy, it’s been lost that President Donald Trump has ordered general zero-tolerance immigration policies. The Zero-Tolerance Immigration Policy Controversy
by Bob Bauman September 11, 2018 Government & Politics
In the glut of immigration news and controversy, it’s been lost that President Donald Trump has ordered a general zero-tolerance immigration policy.
Social Media Regulation & Stocks: Stay Away, Bargain Hunters
by Michael Carr September 10, 2018 Privacy Invasion
Social media is an “anything goes” media platform. That’s OK for some things. But policy makers are concerned that political speech needs regulation.

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