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Latest Insights on AMD

Verge of greatness Hyzon cancel earnings meme Hydrogen’s Hyzon Lows; Expedia Roams; Amazon Goes Robo
by Joseph Hargett August 5, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Can You Take Me Hyzon?” Edition Hyzon, Hyzoff. Hyzon, Hyzoff. Hydrogen power takes one step forward. Hydrogen power takes one step back. Hyzon, Hyzoff. Thanks, Mr. Miyagi, but are we going to mention the Damn Yankees up there in the headline? How about we don’t and say we did? Now, on […]
AMD drink milkshake data center meme AMDelovely & Delicious, Airbnb Or Bust, TAP That Coors
by Joseph Hargett August 3, 2022 Great Stuff
AMD Is Drinking Milkshakes Great Ones, one of these nights. One of these crazy old nights. We’re gonna find out what turns on Wall Street’s lights. Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: ) is calling. The fever is high, and yet Wall street whispers and moans. Dude, didn’t you know? Nobody likes The Eagles! I’ve always said […]
Netflix not dead yet Monty Python meme Netflix Isn’t Dead … Yet, Flying Hydrogen Taxis & Elon’s Tweet Nothings
by Joseph Hargett July 20, 2022 Great Stuff
Streaming Stay Of Execution Great Ones, as we celebrate mediocrity, all the Netflix (Nasdaq: ) boys upstairs wanna see is how much you’ll pay for what you used to get for free… There goes the last DJ. Exactly. Yesterday, I revealed Netflix’s plans to start charging you for password sharing … and said I’d fill […]
Don't worry be happy now meme Great Glimmers Of Positivity; Hyzon’s Prime Time Destiny
by Joseph Hargett July 15, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” Edition Here’s a little e-zine I wrote. You might want to read it note for note. Don’t worry. Be happy. In every market we have some trouble. But when you worry, your losses double. Don’t worry. Be happy. Great Ones, I have to thank you. Seriously. There’s no […]
Tobacco Investors Juul Matthew McConaughey Meme Simmer-Down Sunday: Smoke From A Distant Juul Fire
by Joseph Hargett June 26, 2022 Great Stuff
Who Will Save Your Lungs? The FDA’s living its life for you on TV. It says the Juul’s no good for you, and you agree. It says: “Hold those vape sales or wind up behind brick walls.” Says: “Come here, Altria, don’t care if you agree.” Another doctor’s bill, a lawyer’s bill. And here you […]

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