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What the Midterms Showed Us November 11, 2022 True Options Masters The midterm elections are behind us, with neither side really satisfied. Here's what we can take away from this as traders...
Trade Room 2.0 November 2, 2022 Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies One of the biggest developments we’ve been working on at Trade Kings is our very own, state of the art Trade Room...
How I Learned the Most Important Skill in Trading October 26, 2022 Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies Usually we get into trading specifics, such as using options Greeks, setting up a hedge, understanding leverage, etc… But today, I'm going to discuss the way I learned the most important skill in my trading arsenal…
Six Straight Weeks of Winners October 21, 2022 Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies, Unusual Options Activity The market has been as choppy as ever this week. Just looking at a weekly chart of the S&P 500 or NASDAQ is like looking at a silhouette of the Andes or Himalayas...
A Selfie That Changed the World October 18, 2022 Real Talk, Social, Trending A selfie was enough for Sarah Idan, Miss Iraq, to receive death threats. You’ve got to listen to her shocking and uplifting story.