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Name Brands in Technology Name Brand Tech Stocks Are More Profitable for Your Portfolio Name brands are struggling to keep consumers’ loyalty. People opt for store or private-label brands that offer the same, if not better, quality than name brands at a better price. But there’s one sector where name brands still drive sales and revenue. Charles Mizrahi sees huge gains coming from name brands in this industry. (6-minute read)
Great Stuff 8-13-2019 The Curse of Pavlov’s Market; Verizon’s Tumblr Fire Sale
by Joseph Hargett August 13, 2019 Great Stuff
Pavlov’s Market Wall Street has been conditioned. The White House says a trade deal is practically done … the market rallies. The very next day, the White House levies 10% tariffs on Chinese goods … the market plunges. Ring the bell once — rally. Ring the bell twice — sell-off. We are truly living in […]
Star Trek meme Pot Stocks Are High, Jobs Are High, Trump Tweets … Not So Much
by Joseph Hargett August 2, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: Pot, Pins, Jobs and Tariffs There are two words that can put the fear of God in any investor these days. Just two simple words: “Trump tweeted.” Those two words turned yesterday’s Fed recovery rally into a panic-stricken retreat. I’m not exaggerating here, either. Remember way back on Monday when the Great […]
Great Stuff 7-23-2019 The $1 Billion 5G Deal With Intel Won’t Save Apple
by Joseph Hargett July 23, 2019 Great Stuff
We get some interesting mail here at Great Stuff. You never know what’s going to show up in the inbox. I’ve seen everything from stock advice to insults to poetry. After last week’s Reader Feedback issue, I received a rather interesting question from Edward M.: In 30 years of financial writing, an economics writer […]
I’ve noted that the Fed has done a 180-degree pirouette from raising to cutting rates. On Thursday, Powell’s testimony fully confirmed this notion. Powell’s Testimony Confirms a Massive Bubble Is Ahead I’ve noted that the Fed has done a 180-degree pirouette from raising to cutting rates. On Thursday, Powell’s testimony fully confirmed this notion.

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