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The Last-Minute Race for Gold
by Jocelynn Smith June 22, 2016 Gold
Reports of gold’s death have been greatly exaggerated. Despite recent profit-taking, gold is still up more than 20% this year. And it is likely to remain a hot ticket in 2016 as the global market struggles…
The Long View to Swiss Prosperity
by Ted Bauman June 20, 2016 Offshore Solutions
A Swiss passport is among the most prized and hardest to obtain. But respect for Swiss sovereignty didn’t happen overnight … there are plenty of lessons to be learned here.
Soros Bets Big on Market Collapse … And He’s Not Alone
by Jocelynn Smith June 11, 2016 U.S. Economy
George Soros hasn’t been shy about his opinion on the potential for an EU collapse or a China-fueled economic crisis. But is the U.S. in just as bad, if not worse, shape?
Time to Get Out of Real Estate
by Jeff Yastine June 7, 2016 Real Estate
If you cashed out your real estate holdings in 2006, many — wrongly — would have called you crazy. One billionaire did just that, making his activity in today’s real estate market all the more ominous.
Image for copper What Copper Says About the Economy
by Jeff Yastine May 31, 2016 Commodities
There's a reason why copper is sometimes called "Dr. Copper." The price of copper indicates the health of the economy — and according to the most recent prices, our economy's about to flatline...

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