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From high to low, stocks dropped about 7.8%. Of course, we don’t know if the bear market started yet. But we do know the decline isn’t over. The ADL Rate Just Reached Bear Market Levels October 22, 2018 by Michael Carr Stocks From high to low, the S&P 500 Index dropped about 7.8%. Of course, we don’t know if the bear market started yet. But we do know the decline isn’t over.
The AI Arms Race Begins Now October 20, 2018 by Jay Goldberg Technology A new government report warns of the imminent economic and military dangers — not if — the U.S. falls behind China and Russia in the AI arms race.
The New 5G Kid on the Block October 18, 2018 by Jeff Yastine Investing, Technology Do you want to chase what the crowd is chasing? Or how about focusing on an ignored group of stocks that's selling cheap — with a catalyst to take them sharply higher?
Robinhood offers free trades. That’s a good deal, if it’s true. But since we know there can’t be a free lunch, it’s obvious Robinhood makes money somewhere. Robinhood Built Satan’s Playground in the Middle of Wall Street October 16, 2018 by Michael Carr Trading Strategies Robinhood offers free trades. That’s a good deal, if it’s true. But since we know there can’t be a free lunch, it’s obvious Robinhood makes money somewhere.
I honestly don’t believe I’m exaggerating when I say the way we communicate going forward is the difference between life and death… Wealth Isn’t Just About Money October 11, 2018 by Brian Christopher Trending As I hope you’ve seen in what we do here at Banyan Hill, money isn’t all that drives us. Financial wealth is super important, but so is emotional wealth.

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