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The more the market falls, the more deals you can find. Prepare to take advantage of these deals … just like you are going shopping the day after Christmas. Stock Wish List: Market Chaos Creates Great Deals The more the market falls, the more deals you can find. Prepare to take advantage of these deals … just like you are going shopping the day after Christmas.
The narrative is the main idea that guides how we think about the markets. And how we think about the markets is equal to how we invest. This Is 2018’s Market Narrative of the Year
by Ian King December 14, 2018 Global Economy
The narrative is the main idea that guides how we think about the markets. And how we think about the markets is equal to how we invest.
Video Game Microtransactions Video Game Makers Game You Through Microtransactions
by Joseph Hargett December 10, 2018 Technology
As regular readers know, I’m an old-school gamer. My first video game system was an Atari 2600, with Combat!, Pitfall, Q-Bert … even the much maligned E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial game. But gaming has changed considerably since the days of the Atari 2600. No longer do you just buy a video game and play it at […]
It seems like there’s plenty of growth left for an aggressive, slimmed-down General Electric to take its share of the market in coming years. General Electric Will Rise Again — Here’s Why It seems like there’s plenty of growth left for an aggressive, slimmed-down General Electric to take its share of the market in coming years.
Scammers want a piece of the action. But there are important and easy steps you can take to protect your privacy and wealth from attack right now… Don’t Let Scammers Ruin Your Holiday Season
by Jocelynn Smith December 4, 2018 Privacy Invasion
Scammers want a piece of the action. But there are important and easy steps you can take to protect your privacy and wealth from attack right now…

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