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Measuring Stock Market Momentum Using the Relative Strength Index February 5, 2018 Stocks Sometimes, momentum is a bad thing … too much of it suggests the market may be irrationally optimistic. History suggests this is one of those times.
Fear the Surveillance Police State January 30, 2018 Government & Politics Fear is employed constantly by the government to gain public support for the massive U.S. police state surveillance system now in place.
With Immigration, Compassion Must Prevail January 16, 2018 Government & Politics President Donald Trump may not realize it, but he may be afflicted with an inherent belief in “othering," a sort of logic that dehumanizes or devalues opposed people.
Natural Gas Is Rallying … but Don’t Buy It Yet January 5, 2018 Commodities The cold snap has a lot of investors focusing on natural gas prices again, and whether or not to buy the rally the price has experienced over the last few weeks.
Demand for Renewable Energy Skyrockets Around the Globe July 7, 2017 Global Economy Where we are getting our energy has changed dramatically over the years, and that is creating an incredible opportunity for investors…