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The Little-Known Trick for Tax-Free Gains October 29, 2018 Taxes This is a spectacular opportunity to take gains, pay no tax on them … and use those gains to make even more money — potentially tax-free.
U.S. GDP Is Riddled With Debt October 22, 2018 U.S. Economy If you only pay attention to averages, you’ll miss the most important things about the economy. And it’s likely to cost you a lot of money.
Commodity ETFs Will Become the Next FAANG Stocks October 17, 2018 Investment Opportunities You want to start investigating assets that are dirt-cheap today, but destined to rise in price tomorrow. And today, these assets can be had for a song.
Market Volatility Has Arrived Like an Unexpected Hurricane October 12, 2018 Investing The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), dormant for months, jumped almost 90%. On top of the bond market mess, investors are wary of what lies ahead.
Today’s Economy Is Frighteningly Similar to the 2000 Meltdown October 10, 2018 U.S. Economy Nearly 20 years later, I’m finding some frightening similarities between the 2000 meltdown and today … and it’s not necessarily the indicators you'd expect.