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Online banking where do I put my money in meme SoFi, So Far, So Fine; Tesla’s Twitter Delirium & Goodyear’s Bad Times November 1, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Why Is SoFi So Fine? Great Ones, why is SoFi Technologies (Nasdaq: ) so fine? Y’all know I’m not a big fan of talking about banking stocks. Don’t get me wrong, they’re often really good investment opportunities. But they’re just not that exciting at all. I mean, they handle money, checking accounts, savings accounts, loans […]
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What I Learned From 5 Bear Markets October 21, 2022 by Michael Carr Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters For This Week in Options, Amber and I confess some of our toughest personal lessons from the bear markets we’ve endured...
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