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In this new era of retail, shoppers are armed with information about what products cost and are looking for the lowest prices. How to Spot Retail Winners In this new era of retail, shoppers are armed with information about what products cost and are looking for the lowest prices.
When I think about the world in 30 years, I see a world that is relying ever more on robotics to drive it. Perhaps more than many of us might expect. Future-Proof Your Portfolio When I think about the world in 30 years, I see a world that is relying ever more on robotics to drive it. Perhaps more than many of us might expect.
Health Care Your Money or Your Life Health Care: Your Money or Your Life
by Ted Bauman February 13, 2017 Wealth Protection
Before the Affordable Care Act, half of all U.S. bankruptcies were caused by medical bills — and three-fourths of those had health insurance! It’s coming back around again, but it doesn’t have to…
Privacy and the Ghost in Your Machine Privacy and the Ghost in Your Machine
by Jessica Cohn February 11, 2017 Privacy Invasion
Did you know your house is haunted? Well, it is if you bought a certain popular smart TV. This “ghost” captures 100 billion personal data points a day, and that info is up for sale.
Oh Snap! - The Power of Millennials and the Snapchat IPO Oh Snap!
by Jocelynn Smith February 3, 2017 Stocks
During the dot-com boom, IPOs regularly shot to triple-digit gains in their first day of trading. Now most fall dismally flat. But millennials’ interest in Snap could break this IPO rut.

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