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Intel aims at Nvidia with its Amazon deal, despite AMD nipping at its heels. The Big Data market is as complicated as a telenovela lately… Intel’s Habana Hotel; Palantir’s Palate Cleanser; WORK it Salesforce
by Joseph Hargett December 2, 2020 Great Stuff
Habana Intel-igence  Habana, ooh na-na. Intel’s heart is in Habana, ooh na-na. Amazon cloud deal with Habana, ooh na-na. Great, now that song’s stuck in my head. Thanks, Mr. Great Stuff! Welcome to my world. Anyway, if you didn’t gather from the Camila Cabello lyrics, Intel’s (Nasdaq: ) Habana Labs business just signed a cloud […]
Nikola’s new deal with GM raises serious concerns about the company’s hydrogen fuel cell technology (again). Nikola’s Heart Attack; Picking up the Slack; Moderna’s Back
by Joseph Hargett November 30, 2020 Great Stuff
But I Said No Take-Backsies! You ever have a deal go bad on you? Like, I don’t know … you finally get an order confirmation for a PlayStation 5 — something you dreamt about buying since it launched — and all of a sudden, that order gets canceled? No warning. No indication that anything’s wrong. […]
Medical innovation is helping us live longer. Biotech is at the forefront of this. You owe it to yourself to profit from it. Profit From Biotech Innovation in 2021 Medical innovation is helping us live longer. Biotech is at the forefront of this. You owe it to yourself to profit from it.
Boeing is flying high again after the FAA cleared the 737 Max. Are you ready to jump off the deck and shove it into overdrive? Boeing’s Back, Apple Pied; Nikola’s Cummins and Goin’s
by Joseph Hargett November 18, 2020 Great Stuff
Take These Broken Wings The Boeing Company (NYSE: ) is learning to fly again, learning to live so free! So, Great Ones, are you ready to jump off the deck and shove it into overdrive? Mr. Mister into Kenny Loggins? Bah. Give me Ozzy! Wait for it… BA stock is flying high again after the […]
A Pandemic Game-Changer: Digital-Only Restaurants (5-minute read) Chipotle doesn’t want you to eat at its new restaurant … and this could be the new normal. We’ve been talking about companies like these for a while, and we expect Chipotle to do well. Here’s how you could get in on the next Chipotle…

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