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This indicator gave sell signals before bear markets in 2000 and 2008. It’s one of the few indicators that warned of the October 1987 market crash. The VIX Flip Indicator Is Signaling a Bear Market
by Michael Carr October 24, 2018 Stocks
This indicator gave sell signals before bear markets in 2000 and 2008. It’s one of the few indicators that warned of the October 1987 market crash.
The New 5G Kid on the Block
by Jeff Yastine October 18, 2018 Investing, Technology
Do you want to chase what the crowd is chasing? Or how about focusing on an ignored group of stocks that's selling cheap — with a catalyst to take them sharply higher?
For now, investors should consider avoiding these five stocks. They are the ones that will fall the most in the next bear market. FAANG Stocks Will Fall the Most In the Next Bear Market
by Michael Carr October 18, 2018 Stocks
Most stocks and indexes move in line with the S&P 500 Index. But some show fear or greed earlier or later than the S&P 500.
Nearly 20 years later, I’m finding some frightening similarities between the 2000 meltdown and today … and it’s not necessarily the indicators you'd expect. Today’s Economy Is Frighteningly Similar to the 2000 Meltdown
by Jocelynn Smith October 10, 2018 U.S. Economy
Nearly 20 years later, I’m finding some frightening similarities between the 2000 meltdown and today … and it’s not necessarily the indicators you'd expect.
October Market Ride October’s Market Ride
by Chad Shoop October 1, 2018 Stocks
A much-needed correction is out of the way, I don’t see volatility being an issue in October. Don’t want to sell with the momentum brewing in the market.

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