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The stock market remains a silly place, but Great Stuff Picks can help set you straight. Plus, Reader Feedback is in the house! Roku Go Boom; A Sticky Wix It; Reader Feedback
by Joseph Hargett August 6, 2020 Great Stuff
An Online State of Mind Welcome to Reader Feedback day here at Great Stuff! You guys sure were talkative this week … some more so than others. But we’ll get to your emails in a bit. First, let’s look at the market today. Initial weekly jobless claims hit 1.19 million in the U.S. last week, […]
It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see what’s great about Great Stuff Picks. A 79% win rate, average gain of over 43%... I could go on. No Nikola News Is Good News?
by Joseph Hargett August 5, 2020 Great Stuff
Great Stuff Picks: Electrifying Update Regular Great Stuff readers — aka the Great Ones — know that we run this little side business called Great Stuff Picks. OK, it’s not a “side business.” It’s a key feature that you get for FREE alongside stock market commentary, rants, song lyrics and market memes. Since Great Stuff […]
So, it’s come to this … Facebook voter education and Congressional stimulus are all that stand between the market and Armageddon. Fun times. Facebook Votes; TikTok on the Clock; Musk Gets Mouthy
by Joseph Hargett August 3, 2020 Great Stuff
Voting Fun With Facebook Today, I read one of the most terrifying headlines ever: “Facebook will prepare users for mail-in voting for 2020 election amid pandemic.” That was CNBC’s headline as of this morning. CNBC has a habit of updating these things throughout the day, so your results may vary. The social media giant has […]
Wall Street knew this would happen, buying gold to prepare. But stocks sold off anyway. Can you say “volatility?” Sure you can. Trashing the Economy; Croc’s Idea of Beauty
by Joseph Hargett July 30, 2020 Great Stuff
“It’s the Economy, Stupid.” Welcome to Reader Feedback day here at Great Stuff! We’ll get to your emails in a moment — You, you you … always about you isn’t it? — but first, let’s address that big-lettered quote up there, shall we? As some of you may remember, that quote comes from former U.S. […]
4 Ways to Play the Self-Driving Truck Boom (5-minute read) Self-driving trucks are likely to be a reality in the next few years. And as this self-driving truck boom barrels down for us, there are four companies you can own to profit.

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