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Profitable Trading Isn’t Selling or Buying — You Have to Be Fearless February 7, 2019 American Investor Today, Investing Good trading advice isn't about what to buy or sell, or even how to analyze markets. It’s about focusing on keeping your emotions in check. Divorcing emotions from your investing will save you money and help you sleep at night.
China’s Economy Has Room for Huge Growth in 2019 January 31, 2019 Global Economy, Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily It seems like China is a bad word in some places. But if everyone hates China today, it could be a great place to look for investment ideas.
Turbocharge Your Portfolio Ahead of Crude Oil’s Rally January 30, 2019 American Investor Today, Oil Low oil prices give new life to the emerging market economies — crude oil is poised to climb.
Beaten-Down Energy Producers Will Make a Comeback January 25, 2019 American Investor Today, Oil The oil services sector is beaten down. Shares of oil service providers are lower now than they were when oil bottomed in 2016.
Climate Change Has Made Utilities Stocks Unreliable January 16, 2019 Stocks, Winning Investor Daily Utilities are usually up there with gold, the yen or the Swiss franc when it comes to safe havens. But that may be about to change.