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Facebook can run on for a long time. Run on for a long time. But sooner or later, the FTC will cut you down. Facebook Follies; Disney Dynasty; Airbnb Money Printer Goes Brrrrr
by Joseph Hargett December 11, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Face Booked” Edition Today, we’re obviously talking about Facebook (Nasdaq: ). I mean, just read the headline up there. But first, I want to reply to Ed D., who had this to say about yesterday’s Great Stuff Reader Feedback: Are you old enough to remember Rithie Valens? Donna — 1959 Yes. […]
Election results, pandemic responses and October jobs data … man it’s a busy week. And we didn't even mention earnings season yet. Election Forecasts; Clorox’s Clean Sweep; Nio the Golden Child
by Joseph Hargett November 2, 2020 Great Stuff
It’s the Final Countdown! We are close, Great Ones! One of the major cogs in the vast volatility machine is about to be put out of commission. Election day is tomorrow. While I don’t expect a clear winner before the day is up, we should be able to put this uncertainty driver to bed very […]
Things are getting spooky in the social media market, and it could have grave consequences for your portfolio! Facebook’s Thriller; Apple Bobbing; Ghouls and Googles
by Joseph Hargett October 30, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “FAANG Thriller Bonanza” Edition It’s close to midnight, and social media’s lurking in the dark. Under your screen light, you see a sight that almost stops your heart… Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: ) saw daily active users (DAU) drop by two million during the third quarter. Elsewhere, Twitter Inc. (NYSE: ) also […]
There’s a stimulus trend on Wall Street that I’m sure many of you have noticed. And it's eerily similar to the old Trade War Cycle chart… Stimulus Cycles; Snap-y Comeback; Robot Trade Wars
by Joseph Hargett October 21, 2020 Great Stuff
Aiding and a Betting Welcome back to another thrilling edition of Great Stuff! Before we get started today, I want to remind you that today is your last day to chime in for this week’s edition of Reader Feedback, which arrives hot off the presses tomorrow. If you haven’t written in before, don’t worry, we […]
The corporate confession season to report, declare and bare all is here to stay. Will Wall Street’s expectations continue to run higher? The No. 9 Cloud: An Earnings Season Fantasy
by Joseph Hargett October 19, 2020 Great Stuff
Stock and Roll Fantasy Here come the jesters, one, two three … it’s all part of my earnings fantasy. I love the music, and I love to see the crowd. Dancin’ in the aisles and tradin’ out loud… If this isn’t your first issue of Great Stuff — welcome, if it is! — you know […]

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