Latest Insights on GE
Friday’s Unemployment Report Is Likely to Be Trouble for Stocks July 6, 2017 U.S. Economy A poll of economists tells us to expect a pretty good unemployment report this Friday. But other government data tell us to look for weak jobs data.
First Shot Fired in the Tech Antitrust War July 5, 2017 Global Economy The $2.7 billion fine against Google is the opening shot in a soon-to-erupt antitrust war that’s going to take down some of techland’s most dominant names.
Is Europe a New Hot Spot for Tech Startups? July 5, 2017 Investment Opportunities Judging from my observations about Europe these days, I believe there’s a big thing just getting started there — a great sign for investors in the region.
This 1 Key Innovation Helped Apple Revolutionize Smartphones July 5, 2017 Investment Opportunities Not only did Apple's iPhone combine email and Web browsing with an iPod and a phone all in one, but its greatest innovation revolutionized the smartphone market.
Italy Pushes Europe to the Brink of Another Financial Crisis July 4, 2017 Global Economy It is possible there are no problems below the surface of the European banking system. But the large bank failures are warning that all is not well.