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Brazil’s Turmoil = Opportunity
by Jeff Yastine May 30, 2017 Global Economy
These days, when I say: “I like Brazil” … I find blank stares pretty much everywhere I go. However, I can understand the trepidation.
There’s a good chance some of President Donald Trump's proposed budget will become policy. And every policy change creates winners and losers. The Surprising Winner in Trump’s Budget There’s a good chance some of President Donald Trump's proposed budget will become policy. And every policy change creates winners and losers.
Engineers didn’t believe fracking would work on oil strata. Fortunately, American petroleum engineers made the leap, and U.S. oil production soared. The Blueprints for a Power Shift in Oil
by Matt Badiali May 30, 2017 Oil
Engineers didn’t believe fracking would work on oil strata. Fortunately, American petroleum engineers made the leap, and U.S. oil production soared.
What is money? Money — currency, a legal tender issued by a sovereign authority like the U.S. government, including face-value gold coins - isn't an asset. Gold Isn’t Money
by Ted Bauman May 29, 2017 Gold
I’ve noticed that many folks assume gold to be money. It isn't ... and that makes an enormous difference when it comes to wealth management strategies…
A Gallup poll found that only 54% of American households own stocks. For the rest of Americans, paying today’s bills replaced investing in the future. Almost Half of Americans Are Missing Out
by Michael Carr May 29, 2017 U.S. Economy
A Gallup poll found that only 54% of American households own stocks. For the rest of Americans, paying today’s bills replaced investing in the future.

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