MAILBAG: Bear Market Tips, Central Bank Digital Currencies & More
This week on RAD: We share the results of last week’s poll, and you shared your thoughts on central bank digital currencies (or CBDCs).
Posted by Tiffany D'Abate | Oct 22, 2022 | Investing, News, Technology, Trending, Winning Investor Daily
This week on RAD: We share the results of last week’s poll, and you shared your thoughts on central bank digital currencies (or CBDCs).
Posted by Ian King | Sep 23, 2022 | News, U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily
Ian King delivers a hot take on the Federal Reserve’s plan to battle inflation with aggressive rate hikes. Bottom line: The Fed is doing the right thing.
Posted by Ted Bauman | Jun 28, 2022 | Big Picture. Big Profits., Investment Opportunities, News, U.S. Economy
Inflation is caused by a mismatch between supply and demand. The Federal Reserve can’t increase the supply of goods and services. So, to control prices it must engineer “demand destruction.” That’s as nasty as it sounds. I’ve already explained how the Fed uses the “wealth effect” to make households with lots of stocks cut spending … and why that strategy won’t work with U.S. wealth concentrated in so few hands. I also explored how big changes in the U.S. and global economy since the 1970s will force the Fed to raise interest rates A LOT to bring inflation down. Today, we’re going to look at the impact of their demand destruction on U.S. households.
Posted by Angela Jirau | Jun 27, 2022 | Big Picture. Big Profits., Cryptocurrency, News, U.S. Economy
Headlines this weekend were dominated by news of Russia’s sovereign debt default. They’re saying it’s the first time Russia has failed to pay back foreign investors in over 100 years — since its government was overthrown by Communist revolutionaries. It’s a wild story, and it’s almost true…
Posted by Ted Bauman | Jun 17, 2022 | Big Picture. Big Profits., Economy, News
The Federal Reserve’s interest rate rampage continues as the S&P 500 and broader market officially enter bear market territory. But this isn’t the end of the world. Quite the opposite. In fact, today I’ll be giving you four key signals that will eventually confirm the Fed’s fury is ending. Follow them to find out when the market really hits bottom … and you’ve got a golden ticket to future gains.
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