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Big Picture. Big Profits.

How Wall Street Really Works (2022 Edition)

Human beings are NOT machines. We’re driven by natural instincts that can send asset prices swinging like a pendulum. Fear and greed, fight or flight … these basic emotions are the primary cause behind the market’s violent up-and-down moves. Shifting from one emotion to the other can radically alter the market’s course, which is why we’ve seen growth stocks plunge so far so fast in 2022.  It’s enough to make me wonder whether my college years may have been better served studying psychology! Today I’m going to show you the pendulum on full display and what you can do to cash in on the market’s volatile emotional swings.

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The Fed’s $8,000/Year “Mortgage Tax”

Inflation is caused by a mismatch between supply and demand. The Federal Reserve can’t increase the supply of goods and services. So, to control prices it must engineer “demand destruction.” That’s as nasty as it sounds. I’ve already explained how the Fed uses the “wealth effect” to make households with lots of stocks cut spending … and why that strategy won’t work with U.S. wealth concentrated in so few hands. I also explored how big changes in the U.S. and global economy since the 1970s will force the Fed to raise interest rates A LOT to bring inflation down. Today, we’re going to look at the impact of their demand destruction on U.S. households.

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The Truth Behind Rising Gas Prices

In times of turmoil, people tend to point fingers at anything and anyone. And in today’s market, with two weeks of downtrends, increased interest rates and rising prices on gasoline …everyone’s pointing fingers. But who’s to blame here, if anyone? Today I’ll be clearing the air on these gas price myths and setting the record straight on what the real issue is.

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