For the first time in 2022, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is holding a formal meeting.
The FOMC is what we usually call the Fed. It meets every six weeks. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell holds a press conference after these meetings. We’ll see that press conference on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. ET. Stock prices tend to be volatile on those days. That’s because Powell’s words are widely listened to, and tend to have an effect on what traders think will happen next. The initial reaction to what Powell says at this press conference will set the course for how stock prices will move for the short term. That makes it a must-see for any active trader. Today, I want to show you what to look for in this press conference so you can plan your trades well, and take advantage of the volatility it will produce.This week, the Fed is in a tough spot. It faces inflation of more than 7%. Initial claims for unemployment also rose in each of the past three weeks and are up about 30% compared to the last time the Fed met.
Balancing inflation and unemployment is challenging for the Fed. It has the unenviable job of trying to balance inflation at a 40-year high and unemployment levels that have largely returned to normal. By battling inflation, they risk raising unemployment levels further. But they think they can strike this balance.Fed Rate Hikes Would Be Highly Bullish
To do this, there’s the Fed’s much more talked-about plan to raise interest rates three or four times this year. Increases are expected to start in March. The hope is the rate hikes will reduce inflation without increasing unemployment.
Although it’s not part of their core mission, we do know the Fed watches the stock market. In the past three weeks, prices have plummeted, and the Fed may be tempted to try to reverse the decline. The good news is the Fed can shock the stock market into a rally, even without backing down from the plan. An interest rate hike at this meeting would show traders the Fed is serious about fighting inflation. Pushing rates up while stocks are falling would emphasize that inflation is the Fed’s top priority. This seems like it would be a death knell for stocks, which have risen comfortably from the pandemic lows in such a low interest rate environment. The market action we’ve seen lately seems to be pricing in the reality of rate hikes. But in reality, raising interest rates more than expected would actually be highly bullish for the stock market.Raising rates now would force analysts to revise their models. Economists would probably raise their forecast for interest rates. They’d also lower expectations for inflation.
In the stock market, analysts would increase earnings estimates because lower inflation would boost earnings. This is the kind of action Powell’s predecessors did at times. Alan Greenspan was almost always ahead of the market. Ben Bernanke began his tenure with a proactive policy. As the financial crisis unfolded, he started reacting to market expectations. Janet Yellen followed the market. Powell has done the same. This time is different. The Fed must show that inflation won’t continue to climb.Waiting until March to raise rates a quarter point won’t slow inflation. Hiking by half a point tomorrow will shock the markets and could even slay inflation. Michael Carr, CMT, CFTe Editor, One Trade
Chart of the Day:
Buy Signal Imminent?(Click here to view larger image.)
The Volatility Index (VIX) is setting up another buy signal… Mike Merson Managing Editor, True Options Masters