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Peak Oil Get Ready for What Comes Next Peak Oil: Get Ready for What Comes Next
by Jeff Yastine February 23, 2016 Oil
Oil prices are low for now, but demand is rising in China, India and the U.S., and refiners are already in “max gasoline mode.” One thing’s certain, out of sync oil means profit … if you’re prepared.
Apple Vs. the FBI The War on Privacy Apple vs. the FBI: The War on Privacy
by Ted Bauman February 22, 2016 Privacy Invasion
The government is going after Apple’s iPhone encryption with a vengeance. The “terrorism” flag is being waved, but it’s your privacy that’s really at stake. After all, can we really trust this breach of privacy will be “one time only”?
Japan Is Our Future, Is Gold the Solution? Japan Is Our Future: Is Gold the Solution?
by Jeff Opdyke February 16, 2016 Global Economy
Central banks around the world have thrown everything at the economy. Unconventional monetary measures, quantitative easing, near-zero interest rates and yet … here we are. The plan has failed. Welcome to Japan 2.0.
Say Goodbye to Cash Say Goodbye to Cash
by Jeff Yastine February 15, 2016 Wealth Protection
Central banks have concocted a diabolical plan to rid you of your cold, hard cash and turn it into digital currency. Find out why even the cash in your mattress may not be safe, and what you can do about it…
Freedom isn't simple or easy Freedom Isn’t Simple … or Easy
by Ted Bauman February 8, 2016 Government & Politics
When it comes to property rights, there is a fine line between government we like and government we don’t. One thing’s for certain, though; your rights won’t enforce themselves.

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