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Netflix password sharing Metallica Napster meme Netflix’s Password Pain, Lulu’s Victory Lap, P&G’s Productivity Pitch
by Joseph Hargett April 20, 2022 Great Stuff
Little Red Streaming Service Great Ones, I guess I should’ve known by the way CEO Reed Hastings parked his car sideways that it wouldn’t last. See, Netflix (Nasdaq: ) is the kinda company that believed in sharing passwords. Now, it’s love ‘em and leave ‘em fast. I guess I must be dumb. I had a […]
AMD Lisa Su Mrs. Mojo Ryzen Pensando meme AMD’s Pensando Cap, Elon’s Board Room Romp & Buried By Burritos
by Joseph Hargett April 5, 2022 Great Stuff
AMD’s Thinking About The Future Great Ones, there’s this girl that’s been on my mind … all the time, CEO Lisa Su-Sussudio. Now, she don’t even know my name, but I love AMD stock just the same … CEO Lisa Su-Sussudio. And, Great Ones, Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: ) is calling right now. Will you […]
Great Stuff Picks Smith smack Wall Street panic selling meme Great Stuff Picks: It Ain’t Easy Being Cheezy
by Joseph Hargett April 2, 2022 Great Stuff
What’s The Deal With Great Stuff Picks? Great Ones! It’s that time again… Time to make bubbles with our spit? What? Lay off the Animaniacs for a bit. Y’all are starting to scare me. No, today we are finally diving into the Great Stuff Picks Portfolio! Now, I know a lot of you newbies out […]
Autonomous for the people self-driving semi-trucks meme Shiny Happy Robot Truckers, The Lululemon Song, Wayfair’s Way Out
by Joseph Hargett March 30, 2022 Great Stuff
FedEx Finally Feeling Frisky Smack, crack, bushwhacked … lidar sensors in the overhead rack, baby. Hey, Great Ones, rock and roll. FedEx (NYSE: ) knows where it wants to go, baby. What if semi-trucks did all the work? What if they drove around the clock? Tick-tock, Mr. Great Stuff. Another lyrical diversion? Just musing over […]
Beat Wall street with this secret Charles’ 96-Year-Young Aunt Is Beating Wall Street… You Can, Too (3-minute read) There are always plenty more opportunities to take advantage of in the markets. In fact, sometimes waiting can prove more profitable in the long run…

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