Resurrecting the American DreamNovember 26, 2016by Jocelynn SmithU.S. EconomyIf you consider home ownership a core of the American dream, then October may have resurrected those fading hopes. And it could get even better once a certain generation gets involved.
Better Than Santa ClausNovember 25, 2016by Chad ShoopInvestment OpportunitiesThe Santa Claus rally. The name alone sounds fascinating. While there is some truth to this rally, there are better market patterns worth getting excited about.
Don’t Trust the EuphoriaNovember 23, 2016by Jeff OpdykeU.S. EconomyThe Dow topped 19,000 for the first time ever on Tuesday. Bond prices are plunging. The dollar is at a 14-year high. I even heard talk of the global economy picking up speed! Beware what comes next…
Big Brother Trump Is WatchingNovember 21, 2016by Ted BaumanPrivacy InvasionSet aside your feelings for Trump’s broader agenda. Focus on his intentions for privacy and free speech. He has never expressed interest in protecting civil liberties. In fact, it's quite the opposite...
OPEC Just Won the Oil WarNovember 19, 2016by Jeff YastineOilThe damage from the oil war with OPEC lies all over America’s shale-oil regions. With the cartel set to cut production, America’s shale-oil producers will be hard pressed to catch up.
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