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In the heartland of America — a place where oil still provides the lifeblood of many farms and businesses — solar power usage is dawning brightly. Sunny Days Ahead for Solar Power In the heartland of America — a place where oil still provides the lifeblood of many farms and businesses — solar power usage is dawning brightly.
What makes this trend worth watching is that it’s not limited to the United States, where higher prices alongside a reviving economy might be expected. Inflation Goes Global
by Jeff Yastine March 14, 2017 Global Economy
What makes this trend worth watching is that it’s not limited to the United States, where higher prices alongside a reviving economy might be expected.
It’s tempting to declare that George Orwell has won the debate about the future — surveillance via TV is here. But the truth is more complicated. The Thought Police Are Plugged In
by Ted Bauman March 13, 2017 Privacy Invasion
It’s tempting to declare that George Orwell has won the debate about the future — surveillance via TV is here. But the truth is more complicated.
Homeownership is near a record low, but things are clearly shifting. For the third year in a row, millennials represented the largest group of home buyers. A Mega Trend That Hits Home
by Jessica Cohn March 11, 2017 Real Estate
Homeownership is near a record low, but things are clearly shifting. For the third year in a row, millennials represented the largest group of home buyers.
You don’t need to head to the rolling hills of the U.K. with a metal detector to make a profit in rare coins. There’s a much easier way to grow your wealth. The Power of a Penny You don’t need to head to the rolling hills of the U.K. with a metal detector to make a profit in rare coins. There’s a much easier way to grow your wealth.

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