Latest Insights on REGI
Internet of Things (IoT): More Than Protected Plumbing
October 18, 2016 Trading Strategies
Las Vegas just saved a ton of money and 300 million gallons of water by installing IoT monitoring devices in its water mains. And that’s just one system out of 150,000 in the U.S. A Eulogy for Democracy
October 12, 2016 Government & Politics
In better days, America's capitalist democracy was the envy of the world. Now, however, it's dead ... and American voters are the ones who killed it. It’s Too Late to Rescue Wall Street
September 28, 2016 U.S. Economy
Can you inflate a balloon by taking out the air? The answer is obvious. And, yet, Wall Street is rising (to rarefied levels) even as money is flowing out. How can this be?Wall Street Is Destroying the Economic Recovery
August 31, 2016 U.S. Economy
Despite the Fed’s blather, America’s chemistry is off. An ingredient necessary for a vibrant economy is missing. One look at the data will show you exactly what’s missing and why. Prepare for Brain-Dead Corporate Tax Reform
August 29, 2016 Taxes
“Pass-through” companies — LLCs, partnerships, S corporations, etc. — comprise 95% of all U.S. businesses, and they’re about to be smacked with brain-dead corporate tax reform.