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Latest Insights on HOOD

With fall in the air, hedge funds have winter on their minds. Low natural gas stores are shaping up to be one of their biggest holiday bets. Winter Is Coming, and We’re Low on Natural Gas
by Anthony Planas October 30, 2018 Commodities
With fall in the air, hedge funds have winter on their minds. Low natural gas stores are shaping up to be one of their biggest holiday bets.
Commodity ETFs Will Become the Next FAANG Stocks You want to start investigating assets that are dirt-cheap today, but destined to rise in price tomorrow. And today, these assets can be had for a song.
Robinhood offers free trades. That’s a good deal, if it’s true. But since we know there can’t be a free lunch, it’s obvious Robinhood makes money somewhere. Robinhood Built Satan’s Playground in the Middle of Wall Street
by Michael Carr October 16, 2018 Trading Strategies
Robinhood offers free trades. That’s a good deal, if it’s true. But since we know there can’t be a free lunch, it’s obvious Robinhood makes money somewhere.
The copper market is in deficit. That means there is more demand than supply. And that condition will continue for the next few years. A Huge Copper Bull Market Looms on the Horizon
by Matt Badiali October 5, 2018 Hard Commodities
The copper market is in deficit. That means there is more demand than supply. And that condition will continue for the next few years.
Collectibles Shield Your Money From Market Volatility There are fortunes to be made in collectibles. But they underscore something more important. They showcase how smart it is to diversify your wealth.

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

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