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FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) Overhyped? August 6, 2018 by Michael Carr Trending A recent argument from the bears is that the gains in the market this year are due to just the FAANG stocks. But that’s not true.
Can China Afford To Have A Trade War? July 23, 2018 by Michael Carr Global Economy, Government & Politics Many investors are watching the potential trade war. But they might miss another important story: China’s economy is already slowing.
Treason? Russia and the U.S. President July 17, 2018 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics What Trump did, and what he said, gives much more than comfort and aid to Russia, an obvious enemy of America and of freedom everywhere.
The Fourth of July holiday should have, for each of us, a far greater meaning than fireworks, picnics and a day off work. Thomas Jefferson’s Fourth of July Message for You July 4, 2018 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics The Fourth of July holiday should have, for each of us, a far greater meaning than fireworks, picnics and a day off work.
crude oil Oil Sector’s High Production Demand Presents Security June 20, 2018 by Anthony Planas Investing, Oil Rig count has long been a great proxy for oil production. Simply put, the more oil rigs, the more oil they can pump. However, all of that has changed now.

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