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The 5 Keys to Trading Like a Professional Analyst June 9, 2018 by Jessica Cohn Investing, Trading Strategies Last week, I attended systems expert Michael Carr's class on technical analysis. So today, I wanted to give you a brief, behind-the-curtains look at the world of professional analysts.
Solar Power Is the New California Gold Rush June 8, 2018 by Joseph Hargett Economy, Technology The time to sell solar stocks has passed. Now is the time to go hunting for value and add an American solar company to your portfolio at a considerable discount.
S&P 500 Moving Day Average Cross Signals a Double-Digit Rally June 8, 2018 by Chad Shoop Economy, Trading Strategies In March, there was a bearish indication, and more volatility followed. Now we have a bullish indication, and I expect a major rally to follow.
Beat the Crude Oil Bulls … and Then Join Them June 7, 2018 by John Ross Investing, Oil Monitoring the large speculators is not a precise timing indicator. But it’s a valuable piece of information to determine when it’s the right time to bet against the crowd.
Vix Fix Indicator Says It’s Time to Buy Stocks June 6, 2018 by Michael Carr Economy, Trading Strategies One indicator’s last sell signal came at the end of January. That was the exact day the S&P 500 Index peaked. Now, we are getting the first buy signal since that decline.

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