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Wall Street’s Usual Suspects; Royal Drugs and Wireless Bugs June 16, 2020 Great Stuff The Usual Suspects The market’s usual suspects are at it again. I’ll let you argue over who’s Mr. Pink, Mr. Brown, et cetera. There are three reasons why the market rallied today: coronavirus news, economic data and the Federal Reserve. The biggest of these, naturally, is the Federal Reserve. Yesterday, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell announced […]
Canopy’s Cash Crash; Cyber Contract; Costco Cleans Up May 29, 2020 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The “Roof Is on Fire” Edition If you had the “riots and looting” square on your Revelations bingo card … today’s your day. Go ahead and cover that square up. It’s been that kind of year, you know. And if you’re still worried about covering up that “World War III” square … […]
S&P Sneetches Say Stocks Shift the Same May 28, 2020 Great Stuff Star-Belly Sneetches Today, we’re taking a trip back to childhood to discuss a famous Dr. Seuss story: The Sneetches. (Actually, we’re talking about the correlation of S&P 500 stocks … but you’ll see where I’m going with this shortly.) You see, Star-Belly Sneetches have stars on their bellies and Plain-Belly Sneetches have none. Then Sylvester […]
Lockdown Pastimes; Novavax Big Time; Travel Stocks Climb May 26, 2020 Great Stuff Stir-Crazy Investors We’re all itching to get out and participate in the U.S. economy’s “Great Reopening.” If reports from the Memorial Day holiday weekend are any indication, some of us are a lot more eager than others … I’m looking at you Lake of the Ozarks partygoers. As the country reopens, now is an excellent […]
This Chart Proves the Rebound Isn’t Sustainable (but There’s a Silver Lining) May 26, 2020 Big Picture. Big Profits., Investing, Stocks [5-minute read] The stock market isn’t what it used to be … which means it’s time to change your strategy.