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AT&T Gets a RO-Klue; Crypto Crazy; Carvana Hazy December 17, 2020 Great Stuff The King of Wishful Streaming Ah, yeah. Do you know what day it is? It’s Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays. Thank you, Arthur Dent. I feel like that applies to all of 2020, though. Today is Great Stuff Reader Feedback day! It also happens to be the last Reader Feedback day […]
The No. 9 Cloud: An Earnings Season Fantasy October 19, 2020 Great Stuff Stock and Roll Fantasy Here come the jesters, one, two three … it’s all part of my earnings fantasy. I love the music, and I love to see the crowd. Dancin’ in the aisles and tradin’ out loud… If this isn’t your first issue of Great Stuff — welcome, if it is! — you know […]
Goldman Gains; Fargo Forgotten; B. of A.? No Way October 14, 2020 Great Stuff Welcome to the Bank Parade When I was a young trader, my father took me to New York City to see a banking man. He said: “Son, when you grow up would you be a trader at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley or Citibank?” He said: “Will you defeat them, your losses and all the market […]
Wall Street’s Mad World; Uber’s Anarchy in the U.K. September 28, 2020 Great Stuff We’re All Mad Here Why is a raven like a writing desk? Why is a what? Don’t start … it’s Monday, Mr. Great Stuff. If you can answer that question, you understand why the market rebounded sharply today. (Hint: Lewis Carroll intended this quote from the Mad Hatter to be little more than an insane […]
A Cult of Reader Feedback: Options, Shore Enough September 10, 2020 Great Stuff A Cult of Personality Look in my eyes, what do you see? It’s Great Stuff’s Reader Feedback day! I know your questions. I know your dreams. I know all the investments you want to see. I’m the cult of personality! Like Jerome Powell and Kennedy, I’m the cult of personality. OK. Enough of that. That’s […]