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Health Care: Your Money or Your Life February 13, 2017 Wealth Protection Before the Affordable Care Act, half of all U.S. bankruptcies were caused by medical bills — and three-fourths of those had health insurance! It’s coming back around again, but it doesn’t have to…
Privacy and the Ghost in Your Machine February 11, 2017 Privacy Invasion Did you know your house is haunted? Well, it is if you bought a certain popular smart TV. This “ghost” captures 100 billion personal data points a day, and that info is up for sale.
The Stage Is Set for a Housing Market Comeback February 10, 2017 Investment Opportunities While doom-and-gloom headlines still reign, there are signs in recent economic data that the American dream of homeownership could be making a comeback.
The Industrial Devolution February 10, 2017 U.S. Economy Due to a myriad of factors, the number of manufacturing jobs in America has declined rapidly in the past several decades.
Crashing the Collectible Car Market February 7, 2017 U.S. Economy A healthy collectibles market can signal an equally healthy stock market. But a recent January auction revealed results that were less than inspiring … perhaps even worrying.