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An Economic Boom Would Be a Threat to the Corporate Elite July 16, 2018 by Ted Bauman Economy We have a new type of U.S. economy where the corporate elite have used their political influence to break the link between productivity growth and wages.
This Chart Shows Earnings Are Set to Continue Their Surge July 13, 2018 by Chad Shoop Economy Another rock-solid quarter of earnings, as this chart indicates we will see, will surely lift the S&P 500 Index to new highs.
A Key Sign of Optimism Hits a 17-Year-High July 11, 2018 by Jocelynn Smith Economy There’s one overlooked, little indicator that tagged a high not seen since 2001. And it shows where we are in this long run higher.
Gene Editing Will Make Spoiled Food a Thing of the Past July 10, 2018 by Ian Dyer Technology, Trending Of course, performing gene editing on humans and animals is understandably controversial. But with plants, we’ve already seen enormous benefits.
Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Are Safer Investments Than You Think July 10, 2018 by Jeff Yastine Investing, Investment Opportunities Emerging markets — with cheaper values amid overly pessimistic expectations of the future — are less risky than U.S. stocks, not more.

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