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Tomorrow’s Supercomputers Will Blow Your Mind January 9, 2018 Investment Opportunities We’re far from the limit when it comes to supercomputers. This is an industry that, with the current growth in technology, will keep growing exponentially.
Silver Is a Metal to Watch in the New Year January 9, 2018 Precious Metals The price of silver is up 10% in three weeks. That’s unusual for silver right now. The last time it rose 10% in three weeks was almost a year ago.
Get Ahead of 2 Big Tech Rallies Now January 6, 2018 Investment Opportunities I know tech can seem a bit invasive these days, and it’s easy to see the pitfalls. But today, I want to briefly take a look at how much tech has improved our lives.
You Must Be Long These Metals in 2018 January 5, 2018 Commodities In 2017, the S&P 500 had a “perfect year,” in which it rose nearly 20%. However, three unloved and overlooked metals beat that performance soundly.
This Chart Shows Why the Stock Market Isn’t Overvalued January 4, 2018 U.S. Economy Many analysts claim fundamental ratios show that stocks are overpriced. But these ratios don’t tell us very much by themselves. They need context.